Learn | Unlearn | Relearn: Know the Strategy to become Successful



There is a saying The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” – Toffler

Are you into professional world, or running your business, or into other activities. Well, wherever you are this rule will be applicable to everyone in this coming time. You have been hearing this a lot, that world is moving at a very fast pace and soon automation will take over your jobs. Well, this sounds true if you have not made yourself skilled enough to work along with the automated bots. Sounds fancy, but yes, we are moving towards that era slowly where all your imaginative thoughts would be turned into reality. So, brace yourself and prepare for that future, where you can imagine ROBOTS as your colleagues.

Read Also : How You Can Accelerate Your Personal Growth?

You can follow this approach of “Learn>Un-Learn>Re-Learn”, mentioned below to prepare yourself for the future and be-ready to have some surprising colleagues sitting beside you.


As the world has started to move at a rapid pace, so the need of the hour is to upgrade yourself & the only way to do that is by upgrading your skills & knowledge. You might be working in any field be it Finance, IT, Legal, Advertising or you might be an entrepreneur, you might be a sportsperson, if you don’t up-skill yourself you would be left behind in this race to be ahead. It’s not just about up-skilling yourself, its about assessing yourself where you stand along with your competitors in your field and you must strive to be the best version of yourself.


This is a very interesting term as the meaning of this is vague and needs to be clearly understood. When we speak about upgrading yourself, you also need to understand that in the modern times always the traditional approach or path doesn’t help. You need to let go off the learning that you had in the past and approach the problems with the new learning and the methodologies. Human being has a tendency to hold on the things that they have learnt in the past, but in today’s era sometimes it doesn’t help. Unlearning doesn’t mean to completely forgot the learning of the past or to wipe up your memories like hard drive, it means to follow a different approach than what you had previously.


If you ever feel satisfied and comfortable today in your life, just try to think on these lines & ask this question to yourself, how comfortable you would be in the coming 5 years. You won’t, you definitely won’t be in the comfortable position as compared to now. Its important to come out of your comfort zone and prepare for the battle that you have to face tomorrow, and for that you need the right ammunition imbibed into you. The strategy is to get acquainted to the new things as quickly as possible. You have to let-go off your past learning and Re-learn new things, you have to be future-ready, else you will lose out.

I hope you had found this informative enough on how you can improve yourself. Do let me know your views thoughts & questions in the comments below.

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